This year, Holi lands on March 18th.  Also known as the Festival of Colors, Holi is a Hindu celebration that signifies the arrival of spring and the celebration of good over evil.  Festivities begin with pujas (prayers and offerings) and bonfires, the night before, in preparation for the main event.  The next day, adults and children, alike, take to the streets to throw colored powder and spray dyed water on anyone they can find!  

It may be a Hindu festival but, in India, everyone joins in the festivities.  It’s tough not to!  

Just as Holi unifies the country, regardless of caste, gender and religion, so does Akshaya Patra’s midday meal program.  As children, regardless of caste, gender & religion, sit at the same table to consume food, cultural barriers disintegrate amid the hustle and bustle of their busy lunch hour.

Lunch hour conversations are complemented by a rich and colorful variety of menu options that are offered as part of our program.  Yellow (daal), purple (beetroot) and green (French beans) are some of the colors that can be seen on a child’s plate.  Our vegetarian menu, designed to ensure that children get the right amount of nutrients needed for healthy development, caters to the preferences of the local palate and is continuously optimized to improve taste and nutrition.  

So we ask, just as Holi heralds the arrival of a new season, please help us provide a new beginning to a child in need.  Support us at

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